Revista Científica Tecnológica Coordinación de Investigación de la Facultad Regional Multidisciplinaria - Matagalpa de UNAN Managua es-ES Revista Científica Tecnológica 2708-7093 Analysis of the impact of corn (Zea mays) improvement in Latin America between the 1960s and 1990s. <p>The genetic improvement of corn (Zea mays) in Latin America has become a topic of debate for a long time, due to the inconsistency that has existed between the amount of progress that has been developed with both public and private research. , and obtaining benefits from them.</p> <p>Between the 60s and 90s, most of the advances in the genetic improvement of corn were developed, as a result of which a large number of hybrids appeared that had an impact in one way or another on the agriculture of the region, the which is differentiated between the north and south of Latin America.</p> <p>Public research was the spearhead during this period, but thanks to private companies, these hybrids managed to reach more places and be used by a good part of the producers. Although this research is the basis for modern work in genetic improvement, there is a growing feeling that this is not what the region needs for its development, especially Mesoamerica.</p> Rodrigo Antonio Martínez Ocampo Copyright (c) 2023 Rodrigo Antonio Martínez Ocampo 2023-12-02 2023-12-02 6 4 1 6 Relationship between artificial juice intake and childhood obesity. <p>Excess artificial juices are very little beneficial for children's health. They are foods that, because they contain the amount of carbohydrates that the United States Dietary Guide classifies as sugars, it is also relevant to say that many of these artificial juices are mostly categorized as commercial beverages with greater consumption and exceed the sugar recommendation. of the World Health Organization (WHO), contain sodium benzoato, and non-caloric sweeteners that are not recommended for children, excessive consumption of sugary drinks can increase the risk of diseases such as obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, cavities, disorders metabolic and cardiac problems.</p> <p>Obesity is a chronic disease process, characterized by an increase in body fat. It is also an important risk factor for death each year. It can affect children and adolescents, often causing the child to begin to suffer from problems. health problems that were previously considered adult problems.</p> Rodrigo Antonio Martínez Ocampo Alcides de Jesús Rodríguez Blandón Nohelia Guadalupe Cano Úbeda Verónica Belén Blandón Membreño Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-02 2023-12-02 6 4 7 19 The long-term nutritional effects caused by additives used in industrial tomato sauces. <p>Food additives are substances added to foods to maintain or improve their safety, freshness, flavor, texture or appearance. These substances can be obtained from plants, animals, minerals or produced synthetically. They are added intentionally for a technological purpose to provide the food in question with characteristics that consumers usually identify with it.</p> <p>In the case of industrial tomato sauces, additives are likely to be used to improve their flavor, texture, and shelf life. However, it is important to highlight that before using these additives, it is necessary to check that they cannot cause harmful effects on human health.</p> <p>In the long term, excessive consumption of foods with additives can have health effects. Although food additives are evaluated by international organizations such as the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) to guarantee their safety, the accumulation of these products in the body may not be entirely healthy.</p> Rodrigo Antonio Martínez Ocampo Rodrigo Francisco Rojas López Kenner Rafael Palma Lanzas Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-02 2023-12-02 6 4 21 38 Modelo para la Sostenibilidad de los Bancos Comunitarios de Semillas Criollas de Granos Básicos, Departamento de Matagalpa, Nicaragua, 2023. <p>This research was carried out within the framework of the Doctorate in Territorial Management and Development of the Francisco Luis Espinoza Pineda National University (UNFLEP), Estelí, with the objective of proposing and validating a Model for Sustainability in Community Creole Seed Banks of basic grains (MS-BCSC), located in seven municipalities of the department of Matagalpa, Nicaragua. The research was qualitative, descriptive and explanatory with a complex system and sustainability approach. The Viability Approach (VIPLAN) methodology and the Viable Systems Model (MSV) were applied. The MS-BCSC was validated with representatives of the BCSC using the Kendall Test with 8 indicators. Results demonstrate that the proposed MS-BCSC has viability, which will contribute to the BCSC moving towards sustainability and permanence, with the capacity to adapt to their immediate and future environment, benefiting partners and their communities, positioning Creole seeds as elements of food security, culture and identity. The MS-BCSC presents coincidence and strong consistency according to the assessment of the BCSC representatives, who indicated that the model has the following characteristics: applicability, benefits, impact, integrality-holistic, continuity, relevance and contextualization.</p> Harold Raúl Calvo Reyes Jairo Emilio Rojas Meza Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-02 2023-12-02 6 4 49 70 English Teachers Training, UNAN-Managua: Case Study <p>This article presents information related to a doctoral study, whose objective was to identify the factors that affect the training of English teachers in the initial stage, from the perspective of teachers who attend the career of educational sciences with a mention in English, UNAN-Managua. For this purpose, a teacher from each of the faculties that offer the UNAN-Managua English major participated, for a total of five participants. Unstructured interviews were used to collect data. The data were analyzed using grounded theory, through coding and grouping of concepts. The results show that there are diverse perceptions on the part of students and teachers about what learning the English language entails in the professionalization program offered at UNAN-Managua, which affects their performance, in some way.</p> Julio César Roa Rocha Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-02 2023-12-02 6 4 39 48 An economic evaluation of the monetary and psychosocial costs and benefits of emigration to the United States of America and its effects on households in the city of Matagalpa, Nicaragua <p>This research was developed with the objective of evaluating the social and economic impact of emigration to the United States of America on the well-being of Nicaraguan families in the first half of 2023 (both of the members who emigrated and those who stayed). Based on the bibliographic review and research objectives, it was decided in the theoretical and methodological framework that it was necessary to investigate the influence of push and pull factors on the decision to emigrate. The economic and psycho-social effect on the family and emigrants before, during, and after the emigration process was also investigated. Finally, the net benefit (benefits versus costs) of emigration was evaluated in a total way (the monetary jointly with the psycho-social aspect). To carry out the study, surveys were applied to a random sample of 30 family units in the city of Matagalpa whose members have emigrated in the last four years and five (5) emigrants residing in the United States. The results indicate that a large part of the family units surveyed, and the emigrants interviewed consider that costs are, in general, equal to or greater than the benefits. This happens because although emigration has had a monetary benefit, this benefit does not necessarily offset the costs associated with the psycho-social problems that it generates in the family unit. From this perspective, it can be concluded that emigration is not a desired good, but rather a necessary evil for families whose members are forced to emigrate.</p> Jorge Luis Icabalceta Krystta Francela Dávila Blandón Keyling Massiel Martínez Larios Sherly Fernanda Tinoco Lopez Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-02 2023-12-02 6 4 39 48