Development of teaching competencies in the subject Didactics of Social Sciences. Experience in the Social Sciences career of the UNAN-Managua, Nicaragua


  • Julio César Orozco Alvarado Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua. UNAN-Managua, Nicaragua



Research, didactics; competencies, Social Sciences


The following are the results of a research conducted in the field of education, applying action research as a research method, carrying out a didactic intervention in the subject Didactics of Social Sciences. The didactic intervention lasted fifteen weeks, and in each of the learning sessions didactic strategies were applied that allowed for the significative learning of the teachers in training, such as the realization of teaching situations related to the learning of Social Sciences and that allowed them to develop pedagogical competences. Another aspect that allowed the achievement of these competencies was that after each learning session there was a practical class, linked to the context of the Social Sciences classrooms. The last aspect of relevance in the study was that a didactic project was carried out as the culmination of the course. This work consisted in the elaboration in teams of three members of a didactic proposal in one of the subjects of Social Sciences in Secondary Education. As a result of this didactic experience, students with a vocation for teaching in the area of Social Sciences were obtained, in addition, scientific and methodological mastery of the subject they worked on in their didactic proposal was achieved.


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