Evaluation of the data network infrastructure of the Universidad en el campo (UNICAM) program of the UNAN-Managua - FAREM-Matagalpa. Nicaragua. 2017
Evaluation, infrastructure, ITIL, strengthening, internet networkAbstract
This article presents an analysis of the current state of the internet network infrastructure of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua (UNAN-Managua) - Facultad Regional Multidisciplinaria de Matagalpa (FAREM-Matagalpa) in the municipalities participating in the "Universidad en el Campo" (UNICAM) program. The current state of the data network was characterized, thus defining the requirements of the services according to the users and according to the ITIL 2011 good practices guide. This research has a quantitative approach with qualitative implications, the research design is non-experimental, explanatory and cross-sectional; we worked with a population of 80 students of the careers offered in four UNICAM sites, where there is network infrastructure; an ICT area manager, a UNICAM program director, two technicians and 16 teachers. For the collection of information, we used techniques such as interviews with the ICT area and UNICAM program directors, support technicians, ITIL-based assessment scales applied with the approval of the Faculty's ICT management, and online surveys directed to students. At the conclusion of the evaluation of the Internet network infrastructure, it is affirmed that users are satisfied, although not satisfied with the service currently provided, that the existence of the network infrastructure is essential for the development of academic activities and that the level of maturity of ITIL processes in these municipalities is 37% of that recommended by the guide, which makes evident the need to strengthen the current services and infrastructure.
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