Gastronomic Route of the Cayambe canton, province of Pichincha, based on its territorial potential. Ecuador
Cayambe, potentialities, gastronomic route, turismAbstract
This research is based on the design of a gastronomic route of the Cayambe canton, province of Pichincha, Ecuador, based on the territorial potentialities present in the locality from the environmental, gastronomic and touristic point of view. In addition, the epistemological route that sustains the research was analyzed from the introspective experiential approach, through the grounded theory as a qualitative method for the generation of the design of this route, as well as establishing the techniques and instrument with which the information was collected through the application of the open, axial, and selective coding to achieve the objectives mentioned above, it was based on the theoretical contributions of Paz Sandin (2003), Glaser and Strauss (1967), Strauss and Corbin (1996). The objective of the research was to design a gastronomic route based on the territorial potentialities present in the Cayambe canton. As a result of the selected coding seven categories emerged in which the territorial potentialities such as food resources, economic, environmental, geographic, culinary, ethnic, sustainable, tourism, and intangible heritage and so through these emerge the gastronomic route and the three study zones that are part of the Cayambe Canton as a new alternative for territorial planning of gastronomic.
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