Procedure for acoustic zoning in the historic center of Holguín city




Noise, acoustic zoning, urban environment


Environmental noise is a serious and growing problem, which daily affects people living in typically urban environments, making it a decisive factor when evaluating the quality of life in any physical space. The control of environmental noise is limited to the lack of knowledge of the harmful effects they cause in humans and the lack of defined criteria. The objective of the present work is to delimit the existing acoustic zones in the historical center of the City of Holguin. The acoustic zoning, provides to the municipal authorities a management tool that allows, to determine the zones where to act in the action plans against noise with priority character. For the development of the research, the following methods are applied: historical-logical, analysis and synthesis, induction-deduction, abstraction and concretion, among others. A procedure is elaborated to carry out the acoustic zoning adequate to the conditions of the development of the subject in the country, due to the lack of this type of documentation. As a result of its application, the acoustic zoning map of the historic center of the city of Holguin is made, where a predominance of residential and commercial use is observed.


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