Strategy to favor the value of responsibility to produce food in the students of the Agronomy Engineering career of the University of Holguin, Cuba




Strategy, responsibility, learning, professional


Food production constitutes the fundamental task of students who are trained as future agronomist engineers, due to the fact that it guarantees that the country has the necessary food sovereignty. In this sense, the present work has as objective: To design a strategy to favor the value of the responsibility to produce food in the students of the Agronomy Engineering career of the University of Holguin. Qualitative research was developed using different scientific research methods such as: analysis-synthesis, inductive-deductive, documentary review, interview, survey and modeling. A sample of 40 students was selected by means of purposive sampling because it was a small population. The application of these methods made it possible to have as fundamental results: the diagnosis of the state of the value of responsibility to produce food in Agronomy Engineering students, the theoretical foundation of the professional teaching-learning process and the design of the strategy to favor the value of responsibility to produce food in these students. The conjugation of the different research methods and the results contributed by each of them allowed the conception of a strategy that from four directions proposes actions that favor food production from the students' responsibility.


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