Strategy for the pedagogical training of the tutor in the work entity. University of Holguín, Cuba
Pedagogical training, strategy, tutor, work entityAbstract
Workers who work as tutors in labor entities (companies) manifest, in their performance, limitations to enhance the knowledge, skills and values necessary for students in the initial vocational training process developed in the educational level of Technical and Vocational Education. This is the premise for the implementation of actions that lead to their training. In order to solve this problem, a strategy was elaborated, which has as objective: To train from the pedagogical point of view the company tutor to achieve that they guarantee the integral formation of the workers and technicians in formation that are inserted in the labor contexts where they produce or provide determined services. This strategy as a result and practical contribution of the research consists of a general objective, specific objectives and strategic actions structured in four dimensions: Pedagogical, Didactic, Curricular and Technological, which allow the transformation of the tutors' performance.
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