Agronomic management of tomato and peppers carried out by members of the cooperative of vegetable producers COPRAHOR, in Sébaco-Matagalpa-Nicaragua




Description, vegetables, management, agronomic, yields


In Nicaragua, tomato and pepper production is of great economic importance, both for its role as a source of foreign exchange, food source, as well as its potential to generate both rural and urban employment. However, their production is affected by a number of phytosanitary problems, climatic factors, as well as management problems, so the objective was to describe the agronomic management used in the production of tomato and pepper by the members of the cooperative of vegetable producers COPRAHOR, Through the application of a survey to 33 associated producers and 33 independent producers, the results show that the associated producers are better trained in various management issues, including post-harvest and marketing. 87% more in tomato and up to 7. 73% more in chiltoma, than the associated producers, the cooperative producers have more diversified their farm, they obtain better yields, among the planting materials most used by the associates is Ponny, Shanty and INTA-JL5, and among the chiltoma materials they prefer Nathaly, Tres cantos and 42-12, Both associates and independent producers use the 50 lb. box to transport and harvest their production and the associated producers deliver their harvest directly to the cooperative where it goes through a selection and washing process to later deliver it to supermarkets, the independent producers sell their production in the local market and to buyers who come to the production units.


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