Analysis of soft skills in Business Administration, Marketing and Advertising careers. Universidad Católica Redemptoris Mater en Managua, Nicaragua




Competencies, soft skills, job performance, professional training


Currently, Higher Education Institutions have a fundamental challenge, which consists of developing soft competencies in an integral way to achieve professional success in the graduates of Business Administration and Marketing and Advertising careers of the Universidad Católica Redemptoris Mater in Managua, Nicaragua. The vertiginous transformations that arise in organizations demand a complete training where the need is detected for employees to possess skills such as: critical and analytical thinking, to manage their time effectively, to have the ability to accept new learning where they can make decisions to solve situations with the stored knowledge. The objective of this study has been to identify the soft skills most in demand in the careers of Business Administration and Marketing and Advertising, as well as the analysis of university training in the curricula and the main competencies required in the labor market. The present research was carried out quantitatively and the analysis was performed with the use of statistical techniques and tools. Likewise, the research design was carried out with a transversal cut, since the study variables were not manipulated. The results of this research indicate that there is currently no significant difference between the level of soft skills required by the companies and the level demonstrated by the students. It is expected that the results obtained from this research will contribute in a positive way to raise the awareness of the authorities to change and evolve the role of education from the traditional way to a new role where the formation of competencies is considered in the new curricula in an active and dynamic way, and allow the graduates to perform in their work in an effective and successful way in the organizations.


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