Motivation and work performance of employees of the financial institution: Caja Arequipa, Peru




Work motivation, work performance, employees, effective communication, productivity


Work motivation plays a fundamental role in the performance of employees in any organization. The objective of the research is to determine the relationship between motivation and work performance in the employees of Caja Arequipa - Peru. The population was determined by a total of 15 employees of the agency, being a small population, it was not considered to have a sample size. A Google form was used and the entity’s WhatsApp group was used for dissemination. The information was analyzed using SPSS version 26. The research is quantitative of correlational type. It comprises two variables: motivation and work performance. A questionnaire with 15 items implemented by means of the Likert type five scale was used, the validation of the instrument was carried out, by two ways, by judgment of three experts in the financial area and Cronbach’s Alpha (0.794), and a Spearman correlation coefficient of 0.798. The study execution time was five months (2023). The results showed that the employees were moderately satisfied with the salary received, and have a high level of commitment to achieve goals and take on new challenges. In terms of job performance, employees were very satisfied with the organizational climate and relationships with colleagues and clients. As a conclusion, the study finds a high connection between motivation and work performance highlighting the importance of effective communication, good relationships with customers and the support of supervisors for the commitment and productivity of employees.


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