Relationship between work stress and metabolic syndrome in personnel of a labor clinic. Nicaragua. March April 2022
Work stress, disorder, metabolicAbstract
The objective of this article is to analyze the relationship between work stress and metabolic syndrome in the personnel working in a labor medical clinic in Nicaragua, March-April 2022. A quantitative descriptive correlational study was developed. The study area was a Labor Medical Clinic and the sample consisted of 26 people. Among the results we find that 50% (13) are in the age range of 30 to 39 years, 38% (10) presented a moderate level of stress, 35% (9) had an intermediate level of stress, 19% (5) a low level of stress and only 8% (2) presented a high level of stress. No statistically significant association was found between those with metabolic syndrome and work stress, p = 0.803. The predominant positions with the highest level of stress were: laboratorians, manager and administrator, physicians and nurses. The area with the highest level of stress (moderate) was the laboratory and medical management with an intermediate level of stress. Among the conclusions with respect to the socio-labor characteristics, the predominant sex was female between the ages of 30 and 39 years, laboratorial profession with less than 3 years of work and these personnel was part of the administration area. The most frequent level of work stress was moderate, followed by intermediate. The positions with the highest level of stress were: laboratorians, manager and administrator. The area with the highest level of stress (moderate) was the laboratory, followed by medical management with an intermediate level of stress. No statistically significant association was found between the level of work stress possessed by the personnel under study and metabolic syndrome.
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