Teaching role in the hybrid model: symbiosis of continuous learning with conventional distance education





Teaching role, hybrid model, self-learning, remote teaching, digital competence


Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as well as Learning and Communication Technologies (LCT) are used as support resources for the strengthening of educational processes, even more so in distance pedagogical mediation. Learning environments are combined with face-to-face and virtual spaces, where a kind of hybrid learning emerges, so that communication networks play an important role in the continuity of interaction between teacher and student. The purpose of this research project is to design a methodological proposal for the teaching role in the hybrid modality for secondary education in Honduras during the period 2022-2023. This methodological proposal involves taking up the importance of the teaching role in the hybrid model as a continuous learning strategy, as well as the student profile in these learning spaces. The research focuses on the mixed approach, due to the implications in the processes of collecting, analyzing and linking quantitative-qualitative data. It is based on the sequential explanatory method, characterized by two stages: the first one in which quantitative data are analyzed and the second one where qualitative data are collected and evaluated. The information will be taken from primary sources which are the teachers and students of the twelfth grade of the Instituto Técnico Vocacional del Sur. The quantitative analysis of the information will be carried out using the Statical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software, version 2.5, and the qualitative analysis through the corresponding analysis matrix.


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