Action Guiding Bases for the development of Physics topics with a competency-based appro




Particle Mechanics, learning strategies, Bases for Action Orientation (BOA), Competency-based learning


The present research was carried out at the Multidisciplinary Regional Faculty of Estelí, with the objective of validating the Bases for Action Orientation (BOA) for the development of Physics topics in the Particle Mechanics Component, which contribute to the competency-based learning of students in the Physics-Mathematics program. It is a study with applied and descriptive methodology, with a mixed approach, under a sociocritical paradigm; the population is formed by 214 students and 18 teachers of the Physics-Mathematics career, using a non-probabilistic sample by convenience for the selection of the sample, corresponding to 32 students of the first year who receive the Particle Mechanics component, with whom questionnaires and surveys were applied for data collection; which were analyzed through analysis, synthesis and graphics, for the interpretation of the same. BOA were designed for each topic and its corresponding class plan, taking into account the different stages of the teaching-learning process. From the application of the BOA for the facilitation of the component, it is determined that they contribute to the learning by competences, providing tools that allow the students to have a greater disposition to appropriate the contents.


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