Psychosocial factors related to eating habits and lifestyles in diabetic persons. Municipality of Achuapa, León. Nicaragua




Depression, diabetes, stress, lifestyles, psychosocial factors


Worldwide, the World Health Organization estimates that more than 346 million people have diabetes, and it is estimated that this figure will double by the year 2030 if the current trend continues. The objective of this research was to analyze the psychosocial factors related to eating habits and lifestyle in diabetic patients in the municipality of Achuapa, León Nicaragua, January-February 2023. A cross-sectional analytical design methodology was applied. An interview was used for data collection, which also included physical examination, laboratory tests (fasting blood glucose, lipid profile, creatinine) and instruments such as the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (EMAS) and the Stress Evaluation Scale for Diabetics (EED) (Polonsky), among others. The aim was to determine psychosocial factors such as stress, perceived social support, depression and adherence to treatment. The data were analyzed with SPSS V25 software using statistical tools such as frequencies and Odds Ratio. The results show that the prevalence of depression is high, particularly moderate depression with a bidirectional relationship with altered glycemia, perceived social support in which moderate support prevailed. Likewise, with the levels of stress found; high consumption of carbohydrates and fried foods and low consumption of fruits, vegetables and water prevailed, which affects the control of diabetes. It was possible to associate altered glycemia with depression by means of the Odds Ratio tool, achieving statistical significance, constituting a risk as with dyslipidemia.


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