Proposal of the instructional design ADDIE model in the Blended Learning modality at the Tecnológico Nacional INATEC Matagalpa Nicaragua




Instructional design, Blended Learning modality, ADDIE model


The Government of Reconciliation and National Unity conceives education as the fundamental strategic axis of human and sustainable development of the country. In this context, Technical Education and Vocational Training is presented as an opportunity to make a comprehensive transformation, from awareness to improve professional levels and quality to contribute to the economic and social development of Nicaragua (SITEAL, 2018). This scientific article aims to strengthen the blended learning modality in technical education and vocational training. The methodology implemented in this research is according to the philosophical approach that is based on the systemic integration of qualitative and quantitative research methods and techniques. The research was developed in the sociocritical paradigm from the composition of the perfect binomial of 10 teachers and 68 students who made up the universe and the sample in study. According to the classification of Hernández, Fernández and Baptista (2014), the type of study is correlational. With this research, guidelines were determined to respond to the problematic axis that focuses on the low participation of students and teachers in the virtual classroom, in this process, elements were originated to define a route that complements a series of pedagogical, methodological and evaluative procedures in each of the stages of the Instructional design ADDIE model in the Blended Learning modality implemented in the module management of professional practices. This topic is relevant and belongs to the changes in educational paradigms brought about by the integration of methodologies focused on the human being, constructivist learning and students’ learning styles, as well as the integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).


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