Market potential of dehydrated fruits in the municipality of Managua, department of Managua




Value added, supply, demand, unsatisfied demand.


Dehydrated fruits are an option to the problem of crop losses due to the lack of added value in Nicaraguan fruit production, having as a competitive advantage that this product has longer shelf life, it is preserved maintaining its nutritional value and availability of the fruit throughout the year. Based on the problems raised, a business opportunity has been identified. For this reason, the present study was carried out, which consists of identifying the dehydrated fruit market. For the study, the survey and observation techniques were used by means of basic questionnaire instruments, for their subsequent data collection, which provided the primary information. In the municipality of Managua, the supply, demand and prices of dehydrated fruit were analyzed. It was determined that there is market potential, unmet demand, consumers prefer to buy this product in supermarkets, when studying the range of ages and economic activity it was identified that 40% are students. In terms of tastes, the pineapple was found as a consumer preference with 65% and as the main national competitor is the Masaya products.


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How to Cite

López Acevedo, J. J. (2019). Market potential of dehydrated fruits in the municipality of Managua, department of Managua. Revista Electrónica De Investigación En Ciencias Economicas, 6(12), 99–111.



Research Articles