Training entrepreneurs in the Business Administration program of the Francisco de Paula Santander Ocaña University




Business Competences, Evolution of the strategy, Pedagogical Strategy, Entrepreneur and Intra-entrepreneur, Training Pla


Higher education institutions assume the commitment to train entrepreneurial professionals who contribute to the economic growth of the regions and the country. The Business Administration program of UFPS Ocaña, has been developing since 2016-2 the pedagogical strategy called Business Skills Training Plan, in order to generate in training professionals, a culture of entrepreneurship that allows the performance of these, as entrepreneurs or intra-entrepreneurs. by stimulating the generation and development of entrepreneurial skills in the students of the program, giving additional value to their professional training, therefore, the objective of this article is to know the evolution that this pedagogical strategy has had both in the students and in their trainers. Descriptive quantitative research was used and data was collected through a survey of 30 professors and 65 students in the last semester of the aforementioned academic program. Among the most significant findings are the satisfactory evaluation of entrepreneurship training, the most significant profiles or roles for those who are being trained and the structure of the pedagogical strategy developed. It is concluded that favorable results are appreciated in the training of entrepreneurship skills that enables them to perform entrepreneurially as future professionals.


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How to Cite

Mosquera Carrascal, A. ., Vergel Quintero , D. ., & Verjel Pérez , J. de la R. . (2023). Training entrepreneurs in the Business Administration program of the Francisco de Paula Santander Ocaña University. Revista Electrónica De Investigación En Ciencias Economicas, 11(21), 357–385.



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