Restoration of urban architectural complexes: dynamics of visual images, urban marketing, and tourism development
restoration, architectural complex, visual image, urban marketing, tourism developmentAbstract
This article aims to explore the intricacies of urban architectural complex restoration and the dynamics of visual images, with a focus on analyzing urban marketing and tourism development. The process of environmental design has enabled the adjustment of urban environments, following its theoretical substantiation. This substantiation has facilitated the formulation of a methodology for adjustment, allowing for the development of a sequence and content of design actions, as well as the logical integration of this methodology into the architectural design system. Furthermore, this article substantiates the concept of a visual image of the environment as a product of the visual perception of urban environments. This concept is responsible for forming a certain aesthetic, spiritually rich image of the urban environment with its intrinsic qualities of temporal and spatial dynamics within the minds of individuals. The present article provides an analysis of domestic and foreign research on the visual perception of urban environments, revealing that it encompasses three interrelated aspects: psychophysiological, aesthetic, and artistic-figurative. Notably, studies on the daily dynamics of urban environments are scarce, despite the increased activity of life processes during the day, which necessitates greater consideration in design practice. To address this, we selected three fragments of the historical centers of Lviv and Bishkek as our study areas. Our investigation confirmed the need for a radical transformation of the urban environment. Combining professional analysis of the urban environment with sociological research, we developed a methodology for adjusting these fragments to create comfortable and informative environments with specific artistic and aesthetic advantages, utilizing environmental design and monumental and decorative art. Additionally, we substantiate the role of this urban environment adjustment technique in the broader stage system of architectural design for project development and implementation.
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