Integral remedy for victims focused on gender-based violence


  • Luis Ovidio Chinchilla Fuentes Secretaria de Derechos Humanos, Honduras.



The path that humanity has traveled to obtain the recognition and respect of fundamental rights has been a long and thorny one, but it has not been in vain. As humanity one of the biggest achievements we’ve accomplished so far is to be subject of the protection of International Public Law, which gives us the opportunity to demand at an international level for the respect of our rights.

 Another of the greatest accomplishments In the recent years, is that the concert of nations, the international human rights courts, as well as the United Nations committees for the human rights conventions, stablish the parameters upon which the victims of human rights violations shall be repaired.Gender issues and violence suffered by women solely because their gender has also been incorporated in several international and regional conventions.

Through International sentences, States have become more aware of the obligations adopted by the ratification of a human rights treaty, particularly the existence of specific obligations related to gender-based violence against women.

 Nevertheless, there still exist huge obstacles on how to fulfill the international human rights obligations and what means are required to repair a human rights violation.

 This obstacle is the motive of the present article, through a dogmatic and practical analysis, to help the reader to mainly understand how to repair a human rights violation focusing on cases of gender-based violence against women all of which in the light of some general considerations.


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Corte IDH. Caso Acosta y otros vs Nicaragua sentencia de 25 de marzo 2017. Párr. 223.
TEDH. Caso Marckx vs Bélgica demanda No. 6833/74. sentencia de 13 junio 1979. Párr.16, 17, 59, 62, 65 y 66
TEDH. Caso X, Y & Z vs Reino Unido demanda No. 75/1995/581/667. sentencia de 22 abril 1997. párr. 21 y 45
Corte IDH. Caso Comunidad Garífuna Triunfo de la Cruz y sus Miembros vs Honduras sentencia de 8 de octubre 2015. Párr. 273-276
Corte IDH. Caso Masacre Rio Negro vs Guatemala sentencia de 4 de septiembre 2012. Párr. 273 y 274
Corte IDH. Caso Goiburú y otros vs Paraguay sentencia de 22 de septiembre 2006. Párr. 170.
Corte IDH. Caso González y otras (“Campo Algodonero”) vs México. sentencia 16 de noviembre de 2009. Punto resolutivo 17 y 20 (17 de enero de 2018)
Corte IDH. Caso Masacre de Plan Sánchez vs Guatemala. Sentencia de 19 de noviembre de 2004. Punto Resolutivo 9
Corte IDH. Caso del Penal Miguel Castro Castro vs Perú. Sentencia de 25 de noviembre de 2006. Punto resolutivo 16




