Methodologies for the learning by competencies of Differential Equations applied in Physics when using technology in the career of Mathematical Physics




learning, differential equations, Physics, methodologies, technology


This research work was developed in its first stage to answer the question: how should methodologies be available for learning by competencies of Differential Equations applied in Physics when using technology in the career of Mathematical Physics of the Regional Multidisciplinary Faculty of Estelí, UNAN-Managua? This arose on its initiative, faced with the observation of the difficulties that students present when relating Mathematical equations in components of Physics, not being able to acquire learning or achieve the necessary skills.

The study is approached from a mixed approach with qualitative predominance; in the inquiry, the inductive process is used, because the researcher will interact with the students and the data that emerge during the path traveled. The proposal of methodologies takes the components of Physics of the Plan 2021 of the UNAN – Managua, where differential equations are applied, to define methodologies, which can be adapted to the creation of Action Guiding Bases (BOA), pedagogically mediated documents and manuals, for the correct use of software and technological applications, that in today's world cannot be ignored.


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How to Cite

Herrera Castrillo, C. J. (2022). Methodologies for the learning by competencies of Differential Equations applied in Physics when using technology in the career of Mathematical Physics. Torreon Universitario Magazine, 11(32).




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