Socio-labor conditions and their impact on the physical and emotional health of the nursing staff working at the Asunción Regional School Hospital in Juigalpa Chontales.




Work environment, Occupational risk


The present research on the Socio-labor Conditions and their impact on the physical and emotional health of the nursing staff working at the Asunción Regional School Hospital of Juigalpa Chontales, with the objective: to determine the Socio-labor conditions and their impact on the physical and emotional health of the nursing staff working in said health unit;  structured under a mixed approach with quantitative predominance; sand applied an instrument with dichotomous and polyatomic questions on the Likert scale that contained the variables of the study: sociodemographic, Socio-labor is, state of physical health;  we worked on a two-stage, probabilistic cluster sampling consisting of 114 sample units, and two general hypotheses were tested. To strengthen the analysis, the qualitative variable represented by the state of emotional health was established, an interview with structural questions was applied to 3 focus groups, and the information obtained gave rise to a categorical analysis that allowed to expand the results.  The research showed with more than 60% of the  72 minor hypotheses analyzed and approved by differences in statistical average, that the socio-labor conditions in which the nursing staff work are not optimal for physical and mental health, results that coincided with the categorial analysis. , the information obtained from the focus groups, evidenced personal dissatisfaction with a complex work environment, who consider that it has deteriorated their physical and emotional, and family health, highlighting the suffering of Borrnout syndrome.  Based on the results, a proposal was established to improve those unfavorable factors that can be treatable in the short term. 


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How to Cite

Suárez, Z. A. (2022). Socio-labor conditions and their impact on the physical and emotional health of the nursing staff working at the Asunción Regional School Hospital in Juigalpa Chontales. Torreon Universitario Magazine, 11(32).



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