The didactics of oral competence from the perspective of the schema learning model




earning, speech, scheme, methodology, model


Oral communication represents for any human being an essential model of sociocultural interaction in diverse communicative contexts. Therefore, this article aims to present some considerations on the didactics of orality, specifically the formal oral discourse at the round table, from the perspective of the Schematic Learning Model. The study uses the qualitative approach for the structuring and analysis of the research instruments. Likewise, according to its typology, it is classified as Participatory Action Research (PAR). In relation to the results, those that indicate the conceptual and procedural advances of the learning situations (discourse, round table and logical connectors) are based on the three phases of information analysis (diagnostic, formative, consolidation). Regarding the discussion, progress is specified in stages and limitations are highlighted, highlighting those related to collaborative work, the construction of materials and the integration of ICT. On the other hand, the conclusions show the functionality of the adopted model due to the lexical insertion of 187 connectors to the discourse and 88% compliance with the round table methodology. Likewise, it is emphasized the need to continue the validation of the approach in didactics of language and literature considering the diversity of discursive typologies, the macro-skills of language and special education.


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How to Cite

Loáisiga Manzanarez, V. A., & Escobar Soriano, Álvaro A. (2023). The didactics of oral competence from the perspective of the schema learning model. Torreon Universitario Magazine, 12(33), 17–30.




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