Characterization of the visual deterioration and refractive state of the administrative workers of the UNAN-Managua in the year 2020
Refractive errors, visual impairment, visual acuityAbstract
The purpose of this research was to characterize the visual impairment and refractive status of the administrative workers of the UNAN - Managua in the year 2020. The study is descriptive, correlational; according to the time of occurrence of the events and recording of the information, the study is retrospective, due to the period and sequence of the study it is cross-sectional, 220 clinical files of administrative workers from five faculties including the IPS, attended in the UNAN eye care clinic - Managua, descriptive. Among the main results, 48.12% of the population presented some degree of visual acuity deterioration, where Hyperopia with 29% and Hypermetropic Astigmatism with 25%, are the most prevalent refractive errors. While the refractive error with the lowest prevalence was Myopia with 10%, while the associated refractive condition with the highest prevalence was Presbyopia with 71%. Farsightedness, Hypermetropic Astigmatism and Presbyopia, lead to a significant impact on work processes in near vision, by the administrative workers of UNAN - Managua; The diagnosis and adequate treatment of refractive conditions and associated refractive conditions can significantly influence the improvement of the visual function of the study population, work activities and better quality of life.
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