Importance of communication for education in the learning of Mathematics




Communication, Education, Learning, Roles, Mathematics


This essay addressed the importance of communication in the educational field, where it is and always will be the important factor to develop in students, since it constitutes one of the logical and linguistic skills to express ideas and learning. In addition, to ensure that this communication is interdisciplinary to other subjects and especially to the learning of Mathematics, returning to the fact that it is usually difficult to exploit it in students. It is a challenge for students to achieve with coherence, cohesion and a critical sense to communicate their ideas or solution procedures in mathematical problems, to be able to express ideas part of a conglomerate of vocabulary, thought and attitudes that the student has in his previous knowledge to face the new learning that directly generates significant change. Managing the elements of communication for learning Mathematics involves placing them in the roles of sender and receiver of information and not only of information but of knowledge using active methodologies such as the flipped classroom that encourages the student to form their own learning and can issue what has been learned, given that learning Mathematics is not only solving problems, mastering procedures, memorizing properties, but also being able to express orally and in writing what was solved in the problem or exercise using a communication channel and code with logical, precise and very organized, that is why communicating what is learned in Mathematics is essential for the advancement of the didactics of Mathematics in its problem solving methods.


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How to Cite

Cerda Torres, J. E. ., & Jarquín Matamoro, . R. F. (2023). Importance of communication for education in the learning of Mathematics. Torreon Universitario Magazine, 12(34), 17–22.


