Analysis of the definite integral for the calculation of the magnitudes, force and pressure of a fluid at rest




Research, Problems, Analysis, Learning, Interdisciplinary, Evaluation


This article deals with the resolution of two unpublished problems on the content "Analysis of the definite integral for the calculation of the magnitudes force and pressure of a fluid at rest"; this study is very important, since it is interdisciplinary, that is, it takes essential elements from Calculus II, Algebra III, Structure of Matter and Educational Evaluation, besides providing useful information for future researchers or people who wish to train their knowledge. The main objective of this work was to analyze in a theoretical and practical way what is a definite integral, what are vector and scalar magnitudes, and fluid at rest, through a descriptive analysis and a qualitative approach, providing a better acquisition of the exact sciences (Physics and Mathematics), since relevant aspects were taken from different reliable sources of information. Through this study, it was possible to obtain quality results that help to promote and increase the knowledge of both students and teachers who have participated in the research, which contributes to the development of learning demanded by the XXI century, since it takes the aspects of innovation in the combination of subjects, and also allows strengthening the critical thinking of the new intellectuals.


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How to Cite

Ortuño Blandón, A. I., Ferrufino Amador, E. A., Pérez Ruíz, G. E., & Herrera Castrillo, C. J. (2023). Analysis of the definite integral for the calculation of the magnitudes, force and pressure of a fluid at rest. Torreon Universitario Magazine, 12(34), 79–89.


