Factors associated with chronic kidney disease in hospital Carlos Roberto Huembes





Kidney diseases, Chronic kidney failure, Risk factor's, Chronic renal failure


With the objective of analyzing the risk factors associated with chronic kidney disease in patients treated in the outpatient clinic of the Hospital Escuela Carlos Roberto Huembes from January to December 2019, an observational, descriptive, retrospective, longitudinal and correlation study was carried out with qualitative quantitative approach. Data on sociodemographic aspects and pathological history, diagnostic methods used, main symptoms presented with the clinical stages of the patients under study were analyzed in order to analyze the risk factors associated with chronic kidney disease. The statistical analyzes carried out were qualitative-quantitative. From the analysis and discussion of the results obtained, the following conclusions were reached: a) A higher prevalence of chronic kidney disease was observed in males, with 82.4%, with an average age of 43, of rural origin with the 54.9%; The schooling was primary and the main occupation was security guard with 58.8% with a predominance of lower limb edema plus dyspnea, uric acid, poorly controlled diabetes, followed by smoking, dyslipidemia, and finally, with hyperuricemia, stage III predominating.


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How to Cite

Téllez Ramos, C. M., Florian, D. A. ., & Reyes Garay, N. . (2023). Factors associated with chronic kidney disease in hospital Carlos Roberto Huembes. Torreon Universitario Magazine, 12(35), 93–100. https://doi.org/10.5377/rtu.v12i35.16976



Health and Social services