Epidemiological behavior and risk factors of dengue in pediatric cohort of District II in Managua-Nicaragua, period 2004 to 2021.





Seroprevalence, Dengue, Incidence, Geospatial Distribution, Cases


Dengue is a vector-borne disease that has seen an increase in the number of cases worldwide. In Nicaragua, as in other countries in the region, dengue epidemics continue to rise. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to determine the seroprevalence, highlight dengue cases in a pediatric cohort from 2004 to 2021, recognize factors associated with dengue cases in 2019, and identify these epidemiological indicators using geographic information system tools.

Methodology: This is a retrospective cohort study that analyzed databases of children aged 2 to 18 years, treated at the Socrates Flores Health Center in District II of Managua, Nicaragua. Laboratory results and participant surveys were analyzed to process variables of interest.

Results: Seroprevalence showed a decreasing trend of 60% in the early years (2004-2008), reaching 26% in 2016, and there was an evident increase of 49% by 2021. The highest number of dengue cases was in 2019 with 368 cases. In the same year, dengue cases were associated with age group and neighborhood of origin. Geospatial representation of epidemiological indicators allowed the identification of neighborhoods with the highest number of dengue cases and the increase in the number of participants with antibodies to this virus.

Conclusions: The analysis of the pediatric dengue cohort demonstrated variations in the number of participants with dengue antibodies, as well as different outbreak years in District II, with age and geospatial location being associated factors to dengue cases.


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How to Cite

Villalobos Calero, Y. V. ., Juárez Valdez, J. G., Zambrana Madriz, J. V., Ruiz Salinas, J. A., Mayorga Marín, F. J., Harris, E., & Balmaseda Echevarría, Ángel L. (2024). Epidemiological behavior and risk factors of dengue in pediatric cohort of District II in Managua-Nicaragua, period 2004 to 2021. Torreon Universitario Magazine, 13(37), 202–218. https://doi.org/10.5377/rtu.v13i37.18175



Health and Social services