Graphic Representation in the Civil Engineering career of the University of Holguin, Cuba


  • María Onelia Urbina Reynaldo Universidad de Holguín, Cuba
  • Rafael Cuervo Urbina Dirección Municipal de Planificación Física Holguín, Cuba



Graphics Representation, Subject Program, Civil Engineering, Professional Formation



The responsibility of the formation of professional skill in graphic expression in engineering students merits the use of mechanisms and forms of expression that constitute a fundamental tool of support to the interdisciplinary technological team with which they act particularly in the fields of construction. However, the changes occurred in the university environment with the application of the new study plans that were gradually implemented, the elimination of subject, the reduction of teaching hours, and the introduction of the new technologies of informatics and communications, as well as the non-incorporation in the teaching literature of the new Cuban norms approved and specificity of the existing basics bibliographies, have caused difficulties in the interpretation, representation, and solution of graphics problem. For this reason, the program of the subject Graphic Representation of the Civil Engineering career is elaborated, to provide the knowledge system for the student to form habits and skills developing the forms of the logical thinking and spatial imagination to be able to develop and manage projects in the exercise of their profession.


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