Juridical education, a transforming factor in the university context


  • Junieth Layevska Osegueda Herrera Facultad Regional Multidisciplinaria, Estelí. UNAN-Managua/FAREM-Estelí, Nicaragua




Juridical education, legislation, students, transformation


This article highlights juridical education as a transforming factor in the university context, specifically the juridical education promoted by the National University of Nicaragua (UNAN-Managua), Multidisciplinary Regional Faculty (FAREM-Estelí) in multiple areas of knowledge. However, there are careers that are not provided with such education, which limits the holistic formation of the student body. The methodological basis of this article is the bibliographic documentary research. Therefore, a documentary review has been carried out on juridical education in general, and particularly, of normative documents of the UNAN-Managua and juridical precepts that regulate education in Nicaragua. This, with the purpose of knowing the approach that has been assumed for the improvement of the quality of education, with the purpose of forming integral professionals, with civic and scientific-technical competences that society demands, empowered with values, with juridical knowledge, so that they are able to contribute to the sustainable human development.


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