What happened to the strategies aimed at the response to HIV and AIDS in the municipality of Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua? A critical turning point from Social Representations?


  • Gretta Paiz Malespín Universidad de las Regiones Autónomas de la Costa Caribe Nicaragüense. URACCAN, Nicaragua
  • María Sol Pastorino Sol Pastorino Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios de la Salud. CIES-UNAN-Managua, Nicaragua




HIV/AIDS response, intervention strategies, social representations, culture circuit, grounded theory


This is a study that, from the point of view indigenous Miskito of women and man with AIDS, traditional doctors and key actors consulted, reinforced the thesis that the response of the HIV and AIDS in the Northern Caribbean of Puerto Cabezas, was based on an intercultural institutional practice in a period marked by great successes and advances in terms of accessibility, participation, equity, equality, human rights and sustainability of the strategies. The study aims to seek, find and define new paths for the implementation of intervention with a holistic, viable and sustainable over time. It problematizes and evidences from the circuit of culture, the existing relationship between what is done in the production process of the strategies and what is said about HIV and AIDS as the constitution of a system of social representation from which it is necessary to influence and influence in order to deconstruct practices that shape prejudices, stigma, discrimination, violence and structural inequalities. From the use of the Grounded Theory hierarchical classification scheme of the information was elaborated, yielding globally important concepts and categories that sustain and socially reaffirm the validity of conceptions, practices, values, signs, senses and meanings that shape people’s the perception of HIV and AIDS. Congruent with the above the study shows that although today the state of Nicaragua is making great effort to contain HIV/AIDS pandemic, there is an urgent need for comprehensive interventions and actions with intercultural gender and intergenerational relevance, that encourage and secure the involvement of society.


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