Evaluation of the incidence of cycles on the level of service of non-signalized intersections in the city of Holguín
Cycles, capacity, level of service, non-signalized intersectionsAbstract
The analysis of traffic circulation in the urban area is complex, since there are several parameters involved in vehicular currents. In the Highway Capacity Manual (Highway Capacity Manual, 2010), different analysis methodologies are established to evaluate the traffic operation conditions; but they must be adapted to the characteristics of the area where the study is carried out. Such is the case of using it in the Holguín territory, where the volume of cycles is high and they are not considered. In order to use the methodology for non-signalized intersections, it should be adjusted with a factor that considers the cycles, because if this is not done, the results will not be in accordance with what is perceived in the field. The main objective of this research is to evaluate how cycles affect traffic operation at non-signalized intersections in the city of Holguín through the analysis of capacity, Level of Service and the determination of a factor of equivalence of cycles to light cars to achieve the same calculation unit. The study uses a group of theoretical, empirical and statistical methods that allowed to verify from the traffic studies that the equivalence factor of cycles to light cars of 1: 0.33 (1 cycle equals 0.33 car) and in the analysis without the consideration of bicycles of the operating condition of the current flow is favorable (Level of Service C); however when taking it into account, an unfavorable condition is reached (Level of Service E) which shows the negative incidence of these means of transport in this type of location.
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