CAD tools for the civil engineering career at the University of Holguin in Cuba from professionalized perspectives
Career, Civil Engineering, professionalization, CAD tools, graphic representationAbstract
The objective of this research is to develop CAD tools in the civil engineering career from professionalized perspectives in order to introduce them in the subject Graphic Representation II. A study of the use of these CAD tools and the evaluation of their importance for the civil engineering career was carried out, as well as their applications in the construction field. In the development of the research process, theoretical, empirical and statistical methods were applied, which allowed obtaining information from different bibliographic sources as well as from practice, in order to support, justify the need for research and assess the relevance of the research developed. As a result, a transformation of the program and therefore of the conception of the subject in general was achieved. It was conceived based on the ministerial resolutions, the professional experience of the authors and the need to transform the vision of the use and professionalization of CAD tools in the teaching-learning process of civil engineering. It is concluded that the program is very successful, after its study and analysis by the specialists.
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