Socioeconomic factors influencing the competitiveness of clothing and footwear businesses in Estelí, Nicaragua




Characterization, competitiveness, positioning, socioeconomic factors, human talent


This research was carried out in the city of Esteli in the first semester of the year 2022. Owners of clothing and footwear businesses registered in the Municipal Mayor’s Office of Estelí participated. The purpose of the study was to characterize the socioeconomic factors that influence the competitiveness of clothing and footwear businesses in Estelí, Nicaragua. The socioeconomic characterization of the owners included the economic and organizational elements of the businesses and their collaborators. The study was justified by its convenience given that it has theoretical value, practical utility, and social relevance. Methodologically, it is a causal and applied research, approaching the perspective from a quantitative approach. The universe consisted of 250 businesses; the information was collected by applying the survey and interview methods in which two samples were used: the first was a simple random probabilistic sample of 53 owners used in the survey; the second was a sample of 10 owners used in the interview. The results reflect businesses mostly managed by the owners, between 18 and 40 years of age, predominantly female, with little experience and training, no union organization and high family participation. Economically and organizationally, most are individual microenterprises, without their own premises, small inventories, with financing from the government, private banks and financial institutions. The human talent is comprised mostly of young people, with a high school and higher education level and little training. These factors are determining factors in competitiveness and market positioning.


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