To determine the sustainability index of the drinking water system in the Paso Ancho community. Esteli, Nicaragua


  • Mauricio José Moraga Marín Facultad Regional Multidisciplinaria, Estelí. FAREM-Estelí/UNAN-Managua, Nicaragua
  • Richard József Benavidez Markó Facultad Regional Multidisciplinaria, Estelí. FAREM-Estelí/UNAN-Managua, Nicaragua
  • Yader Alexander Camas Moreno Facultad Regional Multidisciplinaria, Estelí. FAREM-Estelí/UNAN-Managua, Nicaragua
  • Edwin Antonio Reyes Aguilera Facultad Regional Multidisciplinaria, Estelí. FAREM-Estelí/UNAN-Managua, Nicaragua



Water system, sustainability, management


The purpose of this research was to determine the sustainability of the drinking water system in the Paso Ancho community in the municipality of Estelí. The method used is observational, according to its philosophical approach it is quantitative, cross-sectional and descriptive. The methodology used was PROPILAS (Water and Sanitation Pilot Project), whose purpose is to validate and systematize proposals under the concept of sustainability, evaluating the management factors for the operation and maintenance of rural drinking water systems, in order to determine the sustainability of the systems. A score of 3.2 was obtained for the system status factor, which is in the range of 2.51-3.50 and is therefore considered to be in a regular or moderately sustainable state. The evaluation of administrative management yielded a score of 2.23, which is in the range of 1.51-2.50, meaning that it is in poor condition and is not sustainable (serious deterioration process). The administration does not have a schedule of meetings, does not have files or records of system modifications, and does not provide training on how to use the system. The score obtained for the system’s operation and maintenance factor was 1.83, which indicates that it is located in the range 1.51-2.50, meaning that it is in a bad state and is not sustainable (serious deterioration process). It is concluded that the sustainability index of the entire drinking water system, according to the sustainability factors, is qualified as a moderately sustainable system or in a regular state. The water consumed in this community from the physical-chemical point of view is of good quality and therefore suitable for human consumption.


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