Positive feedback for the teaching of conjugated, regular and irregular verb forms in 7th grade students, Rigoberto López Pérez Institute, Managua Nicaragua





Strategy, regular verbs, irregular, feedback, education


Feedback is used indirectly by teachers, especially in consolidation questions to verify the students’ understanding of the content or activities addressed during the subject of Language and Literature. From the sociocontructivist perspective, positive feedback can achieve better student learning. Likewise, it can be used as a strategy to improve the comprehension and assimilation of conjugated, regular and irregular verb forms in seventh grade students. It is essential that students internalize the conjugated forms in order to identify them and learn them in a practical and dynamic way, given that the uses of verbs do not maintain the same lexical base or morpheme as copulative verbs. The present research starts from the interpretative paradigm, with a qualitative approach, by means of applied and descriptive research it was possible to put into practice the novel strategy of positive feedback. The setting was the Rigoberto López Pérez School and the sample consisted of all seventh grade “A” students. The techniques used for data collection in the present study were the application of two instruments; the diagnostic test and a didactic sequence. The empirical, synthetic and analytical method was used to process the data. The main results obtained were: 7th grade students do not know in a conceptual and practical way the use of the verb and in the process of educational intervention there was little improvement in learning due to time interruptions in the planned activities, although some students showed mastery in the use of the copulative verb forms.


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