The doctorate program “management and quality of scientific research” (DOGCINV), first cohort, 2016-2019


  • Manuel Enrique Pedroza Pacheco Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, UNAN-Managua



Management and Quality of Scientific Research, R D i Model, Mixed Approach of Scientific Research.


With the proposal to let it know the results and achievements of the PhD Program “Management and Quality of Scientific Research”, (DOGCINV), First Cohort 2016-2019 of UNAN-Managua, it is presented this article. It’s highlighted of the First Cohort 2016-2019: (1) Maked and approved the PhD Research Projects, during the first year, the mean scores = 96.70. (2) Defined the PhD advisor for every one of PhD students during the first year. (3) Approved the 125 credits of the PhD Program, mean scores = 92.89. (4) Every one of PhD students approved at least one of the optative curses. (5) At September 30, 2019, it was achieved a good accomplishment on the payments to the PhD Program, 64.70% of PhD students already had canceled the whole payments, 29.42% already had canceled 85% of the whole payments, only one case 5.88% still was remaining. It was demonstrated a high economic efficiency of DOGCINV, with a marginal return rate of 1.5079. (6) High satisfaction of PhD students regarding its advances in the Program: 100 % of the DOGCINV Plan A (9/17) were satisfied, more el 37.50 % of the DOGCINV Plan B (8/17) were satisfied. (7) DOGCINV improved its knowledge and skills on scientific research of their PhD studens.


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Author Biography

Manuel Enrique Pedroza Pacheco, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, UNAN-Managua

Es graduado de Ingeniero Agrónomo Fitotecnista, en la Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias de la UNAN, hoy UNA y Doctor en Ciencias Agrícolas, en la Universidad Agraria de Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Es miembro fundador de la Academia de Ciencias de Nicaragua (ACN). Creador del Programa de Maestría en “Métodos de Investigación Científica” y el Programa de Doctorado en “Gestión y Calidad de la Investigación, ambos de la UNAN Managua. Actualmente es profesor titular e investigador de UNAN-Managua.



How to Cite

Pedroza Pacheco, M. E. (2020). The doctorate program “management and quality of scientific research” (DOGCINV), first cohort, 2016-2019. The Scientific Journal "El Higo&Quot;, 10(2), 49–61.



Scientific articles