Air quality evaluation at the National University of Engineering, august-september 2023
: atmospheric pollution, air quality monitoring, ozoneAbstract
The evaluation of air quality was carried out at the Simón Bolívar University Campus of the National University of Engineering, five outdoor sites were selected: Simón Bolívar Monument, Rigoberto López Pérez Building, Alternative Energy Sources or PFAE- BORDA, Rectory and IES Parking and four interior sites: Classroom A-I-4; Unit Operations Laboratory, UNI-PIENSA Master's Classroom 1, Institute of Higher Studies Classroom 13. The parameters monitored were: Total Suspended Particles (PTS), Particles Less than 2.5 microns (PM2.5), Particles Less than 10 microns (PM10), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Oxide of Carbon (CO2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Ozone (O3) and Lead (Pb). The measurements were carried out with automatic particle measuring equipment, installed and monitored by analysts from the laboratory of the Research Program, National Studies and Environmental Service, PIENSA, using the methodology of NTON 05 012-02, Nicaraguan Mandatory Technical Standard for Quality of the Air for measuring particulate matter. The monitoring of atmospheric pollutants established by said Standard and that of the World Health Organization in outdoor sites did not exceed the maximum permissible limit values of Air Quality for each of the pollutants evaluated, only ozone concentrations exceed the limit. maximum allowable in the IES parking lot.
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