Transformative skills that students must acquire during their training at the UNAN – León Regional University Center Jinotega Headquarters, to contribute to the development of society




Capacity approach, human development, agents of change, competencies


The changes in the world generate challenges for higher education institutions, challenges regarding their work and that can allow higher education institutions (HEIs) to contribute through education to human development, with greater integration of the university to the society. Therefore, the capabilities approach would provide opportunities for better development of the graduate, so studying it and identifying whether the graduates have been able to acquire these characteristics or which ones they should possess provides an opportunity for a study to be carried out on the development of the graduates. at the CUR Jinotega. With this study, capabilities that are developed at the CUR were determined as a result of a central research question: What are the capabilities that the UNAN-León Regional University Center, Jinotega headquarters, should create to contribute to the human development of its graduates? The findings were used to evaluate whether the CUR has contributed to the development of these capabilities in graduates, in addition to creating a scientific basis for future studies related to this topic, which can serve as a basis for future research in other universities on the topic in question. . The study was carried out with a qualitative approach and grounded theory, a series of questions were used to people involved in the problem, in this case, a semi-structured interview was used, which were subsequently grouped by categories according to each of the questions. The key informants were students, teachers and members of civil society. The results were organized to obtain the conceptualization of capacity. The transformative capacity found is defined as those that allow the graduate to transform their work, family and social environment. These include relevance, agency for change and contribution to development.


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Author Biography

Francisco Javier Martínez Cubillo, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua. Centro Universitario Regional, Sede Jinotega. Nicaragua.

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, León. Centro Universitario Regional Jinotega. Barrio San Antonio, puente 100 m norte, Jinotega.


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How to Cite

Martínez Cubillo, F. J., & Torres Godoy, E. . (2023). Transformative skills that students must acquire during their training at the UNAN – León Regional University Center Jinotega Headquarters, to contribute to the development of society. The Scientific Journal "El Higo&Quot;, 13(2), 38–49.



Scientific articles