Comparative Design Analysis Of Overhead Passages With PVC And HDPE Pipes In Rural Sanitation Systems




Overhead pass, PVC pipe, HDPE pipe, structural design, cost, time, rural sanitation


Currently in Peru, in sanitation system projects in rural areas, overpasses have been commonly built in the pipeline, adduction and distribution with PVC and HDPE pipes with the same structural system, consisting of reinforced concrete towers, cyclopean concrete anchor chambers and steel cables that allow the PVC or HDPE pipe to be suspended horizontally, as the case may be. The only difference in this technological option is the type of pipe, because its structural system is the same for both designs. For this reason, it is important to carry out a comparative analysis at the level of design, cost and execution time between overhead passages with PVC and HDPE pipes. For the present investigation, the comparative analysis was carried out for a 100 m long overpass founded on a soil with a bearing capacity of 0. 73 kg/cm2; the structural design was carried out in the Excel program using the basic formulas of classical physics and Peruvian regulations, the budget was calculated in the S10 program and the programming was carried out in the Ms Project program, where it was obtained that building a 100 m long overpass with 2" diameter HDPE pipe is the best alternative due to the fact that there is a 33.71% difference in execution costs and a 50% difference in execution time, with respect to an overpass with PVC pipe.


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Author Biography

Marinely Torres Infante, Universidad Peruana Unión

Bach. en Ingeniería Civil Universidad Peruana Unión, Gerente General en la empresa Consultora & Constructora Toinma E.I.R.L. Experiencia en Formulación y Ejecución de Proyectos de Ingeniería.


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How to Cite

Torres Infante, M. (2023). Comparative Design Analysis Of Overhead Passages With PVC And HDPE Pipes In Rural Sanitation Systems. The Scientific Journal "El Higo&Quot;, 13(1), 2–12.



Scientific articles