Diagnosis of fruit wine producing and marketing cooperatives in Nicaragua, year 2023





Winemaking, fermented beverage, current status, value chain, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats


The objective of this study was to carry out a diagnosis that would allow obtaining information on the current state of wine producing and marketing cooperatives in Nicaragua, under a qualitative approach. Consequently, interviews were carried out with the presidents of the cooperatives, in order to carry out an internal and external analysis of said cooperatives, a bibliographic review was also carried out on the research developed with respect to diagnoses of wine producing and marketing cooperatives. In this way, based on the results it can be noted that, although there are no detailed investigations, obtaining updated information about the sector is essential so that cooperatives can make strategic decisions that promote their long-term growth and development. In general, cooperatives have sufficient and good quality raw materials to make wines and have support from government institutions throughout the value chain, however, they have some limitations either in finding formal markets to market their products or the low availability and high costs of inputs such as bottles, corks, capsules and others. Likewise, some opportunities for the sector stand out, such as the exploration of new markets, access to financing sources and the favorable economic situation of the country.


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Author Biography

Wendell Adrián Blandón Rivera, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Centro Universitario Regional, Estelí, Nicaragua

Ingeniero Agroindustrial. Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación con mención en Física-Matemática, con Maestría en “Economía Creativa y Emprendimiento Sostenible”, Técnico en administración de empresas, experiencia como docente. Actualmente se desempeña como docente auxiliar en la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería Centro Universitario Regional, Estelí Nicaragua.


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How to Cite

Blandón Rivera, W. A. . (2024). Diagnosis of fruit wine producing and marketing cooperatives in Nicaragua, year 2023. The Scientific Journal "El Higo&Quot;, 14(1), 46–53. https://doi.org/10.5377/elhigo.v14i1.17973



Scientific articles