Determination of Paraquat residues in maize by uv-visible spectrophotometry, farms in the province of La Vega, Dominican Republic
Detection; spectroscopy; herbicide; paraquat; agricultural productsAbstract
Paraquat (PQ) is a highly toxic herbicide, which requires rigorous monitoring of foodstuffs to comply with regulatory limits. The purpose of this study was to quantify PQ residues in corn (Zea May L.) by UV-Visible spectrophotometry in samples from farms located in La Vega province, Dominican Republic. The amount of reducing reagent in PQ standard solutions was optimized to obtain a determination coefficient of 0.999 and a linearity range. The limits of detection and quantification were 0.05 and 0.17 mg L-1, respectively, with a recovery of 101.7% and a coefficient of variation of less than 5%. By means of the standard addition curve, the concentration of PQ in corn was determined to be 0.56 mg L-1, which is within the limits allowed by the FDA for human consumption. In addition, it was found that there is no matrix effect, therefore, the simple calibration curve can be used for the detection of this analyte in a reliable manner. Through the simple calibration curve, PQ amounts in corn from different farms were found to be comparable to those obtained by the standard addition curve. F and Student's t-tests revealed no significant differences between PQ concentrations in corn samples from different farms (p>0.05). This study highlights the feasibility of accurate detection of PQ in corn and its consistency among different farms, ensuring that the PQ concentrations in corn samples are consistent across farms.
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