Strengthening program for entrepreneurs from municipal trade schools in nicaragua. Experience of the National University of Engineering, Esteli Regional University Center, years 2023




Entrepreneur, protagonist, internship, business plan


The National University of Engineering, Regional University Center, (UNI – CUR) Estelí, a member university of the National Council of Universities (CNU), has participated in the program to strengthen entrepreneurs of the Municipal Trade Schools (EMO), with the development of business plans in a process of university extension through internships. The objective of this research was to evaluate the experience of this university in the program with ways to improve for future editions, whose research approach is qualitative and supports the experience of the authors according to their perspective and role in the program. The techniques used were: interview, observation and documentary review, applying the instruments to fourteen student interns, four protagonists (both direct authors), one coordinator and two tutors (indirect authors). The development of the process included five stages: call for professional internships, induction workshop for tutors, meeting with protagonists, professional internships and evaluation meeting. The experience was considered successful since the exchange process enabled students to contribute significant knowledge of the careers involved with the work environment in which the protagonists work, managing to obtain their business plan through collaborative work, despite some deficiencies that arose in the development of the plan, considered as opportunities for improvement.


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Author Biographies

Francis Aurora Alfaro Benavides , National University of Engineering, Regional University Center, Estelí, Nicaragua

She is an industrial engineer, with a Master's degree in “Business Administration with emphasis in marketing”, Diploma in Production Management Technologies, business consultant, researcher and University Professor for more than 13 years.

Keylin Mayela Pineda Rodríguez , National University of Engineering, Regional University Center, Estelí, Nicaragua

She is a systems engineer, with a Master's degree in “Business Management”, consultant, researcher and University Professor for more than 9 years.


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How to Cite

Alfaro Benavides , F. A. ., & Pineda Rodríguez , K. M. . (2024). Strengthening program for entrepreneurs from municipal trade schools in nicaragua. Experience of the National University of Engineering, Esteli Regional University Center, years 2023. The Scientific Journal "El Higo&Quot;, 14(2), 120–133.



Scientific articles