Market study for the commercialization of watermelon jam, municipality of Jinotega, Nicaragua
Consumer preferences, sales strategies, market researchAbstract
This study was carried out through market research focused on the demographic variables, preferences and consumer demand for watermelon jam, with the purpose of structuring a strategic sales plan. The methodology implemented was through a case study, this has a mixed approach according to the methods applied for the collection of information. The sampling was for convenience with 82 potential consumers in the municipality of Jinotega through surveys, interviews were also applied to students and teachers of agribusiness. The results of the study show that the potential group is between 25 and 35 years old, with a frequency of 56.10% female and 43.90% male. The purchase criterion is the quality of the product, with 80.50% of preference. Guava jam is the main competitor in flavor. As for packaging, glass is preferred with 85% of consumers. Supermarkets are the place of purchase most frequently 53%, the main social networks are WhatsApp 58% and Facebook 39%. The price preference is between 40 to 60 córdobas, and the weekly consumption frequency is 48.8%. These findings highlight the importance of the strategic sales plan that structures aspects necessary to increase sales such as: analysis of the environment, strategic sales planning, sales force management, customer management, sales control analysis, budgeting and micro plans.
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