Perfection of the International Sales Contract under the Vienna Convention of 1980




International sale, Convention, Contractual improvement, International trade, Goods


This research article addresses in a transversal manner the 1980 Vienna Convention on the International Sale of Goods, as well as the theories it addresses to recognize the contractual perfection of the same, key and current axis, to understand the transcendence of the application of the same in the legal systems and national legislations, such as in the case of Nicaragua. Likewise, this article addresses the characteristics and description of the International Contract of Goods contextualized in the Convention, to then deepen in the core and convergent aspects to be addressed: the formation, the offer versus the proposal in the convention and the acceptance as the counteroffer, to establish the parameters of the contractual perfection.


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Author Biography

Daniel Alejandro Pérez Hermida, Investigador independiente (Nicaragua)

Licenciado en Derecho, por la Universidad Centroamericana UCA, Maestrante en Derecho y Negocios Internacionales por la Universidad Europea del Atlántico UNEATLANTICO, Maestrante en Dirección y Administración de Empresas (MBA) por la Universidad Internacional de la Rioja. Graduado de los Cursos de Actualización sobre las víctimas en el Derecho Penal Latinoamericano: Presente y Perspectivas y Mediación Penal en el entramado de la Justicia Alternativa por el Instituto de Estudio e Investigación Jurídica INEJ.




