Pedagogical accompaniment: feedback to teachers of the National Institute June 21, Santo Tomás, Chontales




Educational accompaniment, Quality, Teachers, Students


The pedagogical accompaniment strategy implemented by the Ministry of Education arises in response to the need to provide pedagogical assistance to teachers, so that they improve their performance in the development of learning processes and, as a consequence, raise the level of learning achievement of the students. students, is an alternative that seeks quality promotion. This strategy expresses explicitly and implicitly the guidelines of the National Plan to Fight Poverty and for Human Development, in the "more and better education" strategy. Undoubtedly, for significant results to emerge from this, it has implied the execution of a series of actions from budget programming to the hiring of personnel prepared for its execution. All these efforts are focused on preparing teachers to provide an education with quality and human warmth. Hence, the main objective of this strategy is to ensure compliance with the educational model. Meanwhile, this article reflects the main learning experiences offered by pedagogical advice and results of evaluative content of verbal feedback during pedagogical accompaniment. For this, the interview technique and documentary analysis were applied.


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How to Cite

Murillo Reyes , H. A., González Solís , J. W., & Videa Acuña, X. L. (2024). Pedagogical accompaniment: feedback to teachers of the National Institute June 21, Santo Tomás, Chontales. Torreon Universitario Magazine, 13(37), 108–121.




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