Evaluation of production systems through sustainability indicators in the nicaraguan north caribbean





Agroecology, sustainability, lighthouse farm


The sustainability of the productive systems in the agricultural farms of the Nazaret I community was studied, with the MESMIS methodology that allowed the comparison of the functioning of the different components of the productive systems in the social, economic and agroecological fields, characterizing them in three categories A. , B and C. The research has a qualitative approach, as it was developed under a model of sustainability indicators for agroecological farms. From the dimensions studied, the results show that there is no gender equity, because women are excluded in decision-making; the men consider that they can only handle the production of poultry and the feeding of pigs. The economy is subsistence and its main resource is the soil; They sell by-products such as milk, eggs and meat. The implemented production systems are agricultural and agrosilvopastoral. The agroecological states that occur in these farms are three: low level (La Colina, with little forest area), intermediate level (Caño Limón) and advanced level (El Marañón). The latter is considered a flagship farm, as it can be an example in the implementation of sustainable agroecological practices.


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How to Cite

Ochoa Gutiérrez, J. D. . (2023). Evaluation of production systems through sustainability indicators in the nicaraguan north caribbean. Wani, 39(78), 58–67. https://doi.org/10.5377/wani.v39i78.15850



Natural Resources and Environment