The Fabulous Blackwell of Arquímedez González also dies, a case of intertextuality


  • Manuel Gaitán Herrera Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua


One of the strategies to create new literary texts is through intertextual relationships. Precisely, this article recognizes this type of relationship between Sergio Ramírez Mercados story Charles Atlas also dies (1976) and the novel El fabulous Blackwell (2010) by Arquímedes González.  The reader is in charge of recognizing and revealing the communicating vessels among the works that provide multiple meanings to the new texts within that intertextual universe..


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How to Cite

Gaitán Herrera, M. . (2015). The Fabulous Blackwell of Arquímedez González also dies, a case of intertextuality. Revista Lengua Y Literatura, 1(1), 39–47. Retrieved from


