Methodological strategies for Teaching textual coherence

quality of information, from a new perspective


  • Nayiri Fonseca Sevilla Fonseca Sevilla Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua
  • Thema Susana Muñoz Tinoco Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua
  • Rosa María Aguirre Bermúdez Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua
  • aría Engracia López Talavera Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua
  • Cándida Rosa Quintanilla Membreño Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua
  • Felipe Heriberto Orozco López



The main objective of this research is to contribute to improve the teaching-learning process of written expression, and offer teachers a clearer view of the use of methods with a communicative approach that allow active and participatory classes, in which the macro-abilities of language, necessary for effective communication, are put into practice. It analyzes the main problems of textual coherence: quality of the information, presented by the diagnostic writings of the first year students of the career of Hispanic Language and Literature, the regular course and professionalization of the Department of Spanish. The difficulties detected served as a reference point for the elaboration and execution of a didactic project that had a positive impact on overcoming of them and in this way enhance the communicative and expressive resources that guarantee students an efficient academic, professional and social development. The results obtained were positive and from them you can say that it is It is possible to improve the texts elaborated through the realization of consensual writings and interesting, through a recursive process that involves planning threads, textualization, revision and correction, in which teachers and students actively participate and also allows access to theoretical materials, guidance guidelines, guides of evaluation and self-evaluation that facilitate the success of the task to be performed.


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How to Cite

Fonseca Sevilla, N. F. S., Muñoz Tinoco, T. S. ., Aguirre Bermúdez, R. M. ., López Talavera, aría E., Quintanilla Membreño, C. R. ., & Orozco López, F. H. . (2022). Methodological strategies for Teaching textual coherence: quality of information, from a new perspective. Revista Lengua Y Literatura, 2(2), 49–62.


