
  • Alba V. Díaz Corrales Universidad Nacional de ingeniería Sede Regional del Norte Recinto Universitario Augusto C. Sandino
  • Naxon Atahualpa Rodríguez Valle Graduado Ingeniería Agroindustrial UNI RUACS, Nicaragua
  • Freidy Martín Salinas López Graduado Ingeniería Agroindustrial UNI RUACS, Nicaragua


coffee pulp silage, swine, nutritional supplement, coffee pulp, apparent digestibility.


In the research “Development and validation of pulp ensiled coffee lacto ferments as a dietary supplement for swine,” was proposed to evaluate coffee pulp silage as a non-traditional food in the process of feeding swine, assessing the level of consumption and acceptability of the product combined with commercial food for animals. The pilot phase was conducted at the farm located in the community El Naranjo in the department of Estelí with four female swine of the race “casco de mula” in the fattening phase. It was determined that you can use coffee pulp silage to supplement pig food, the digestibility was evident to a value greater than 70%. Similarly it could corroborate that it can not fulfill the nutritional demands that the commercial food for animals brings in the fattening stage, so it is recommended as a dietary supplement by up to 15% with commercial food for swine. The production cost of one quintal of pulp ensiled coffee is 272.7 net córdobas being this less than one quintal of food for animals, which costs C$ 600.00 córdobas, giving coffee producers an alternative to process coffee pulp by silage and provide it as a dietary supplement for those who have farms raising swine or people who want to try to feed swine with nutrional supplement cheaper than the commercial food.


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Author Biographies

Alba V. Díaz Corrales, Universidad Nacional de ingeniería Sede Regional del Norte Recinto Universitario Augusto C. Sandino

Es Ingeniero Químico, especialista en Didácticas de las Ingenierías y Arquitectura. Experiencia en Formulación y Ejecución de Proyectos de Investigación. Participación como expositora en foros y congresos a nivel nacional e internacional. Coautor de Atlas de cafés especiales de Nicaragua, Manual Técnico “Beneficio, Calidad y Denominación de Origen y publicación de artículos científicos en la revista científica de la UNI-Norte “El Higo”. Docente e investigadora en la temática Denominación de Origen. Asesora en la aplicación de herramientas TGP. Tutora de tesis monográficas

Naxon Atahualpa Rodríguez Valle, Graduado Ingeniería Agroindustrial UNI RUACS, Nicaragua

Graduado Ingeniería Agroindustrial UNI RUACS, Nicaragua

Freidy Martín Salinas López, Graduado Ingeniería Agroindustrial UNI RUACS, Nicaragua

Graduado Ingeniería Agroindustrial UNI RUACS, Nicaragua



How to Cite

Díaz Corrales, A. V., Rodríguez Valle, N. A., & Salinas López, F. M. (2014). DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION COFFEE PULP ENSILED WITH LACTO-FERMENTS, FOR PREPARING FOOD SUPPLEMENT FOR SWINE. The Scientific Journal "El Higo&Quot;, 4(1), 02–09. Retrieved from



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