Diagnosis of the current situation of small and medium sized cheese producing companies in the urban area of the city of Estelí


  • Donald Samuel Zelaya Lanuza Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería-Sede Regional UNI-Norte, Nicaragua




Dairy, MSMEs, SWOT, SWOT analysis, cheese, diagnosis


This study analyzes the situation of the cheese production processes of the MSMEs of the dairy industry located in the urban area of ​​the municipality of Estelí during 2019, so that it serves as a starting point for the proposal of improvement strategies for this Business. This research is applied and qualitative, being the population and sample object of study four dairies of the municipality, semi-structured interviews were applied to owners and collaborators, with which it was intended to identify general, technical and managerial aspects. Finding that the main strengths that these industries present are focused on skills and capacities with respect to the processing of fresh milk, while the weaknesses are due to the lack of modernization in production.



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Author Biography

Donald Samuel Zelaya Lanuza, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería-Sede Regional UNI-Norte, Nicaragua

Es Ingeniero agroindustrial, con maestría en gerencia de tecnología, emprendimiento e innovación. Docente en temáticas relacionadas al procesamiento de alimentos y operaciones unitarias, para la carrera de ingeniería agroindustrial de la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Sede Regional del Norte.



How to Cite

Zelaya Lanuza, D. S. (2020). Diagnosis of the current situation of small and medium sized cheese producing companies in the urban area of the city of Estelí. The Scientific Journal "El Higo&Quot;, 10(2), 2–12. https://doi.org/10.5377/elhigo.v10i2.10540



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